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就茉莉酸甲酯(JA-Me)对莴苣幼苗侧根原基的形成以及侧根原基形成过程中内源激素含量的影响进行了探讨。采用不同浓度JA-Me以及分别配以生长素类试剂来处理莴苣幼苗,发现适当浓度的JA-Me可促进其侧根原基形成且对萘乙酸(NAA)、吲哚丁酸(IBA)及吲哚乙酸(IAA)等的促侧根形成具有明显的加合效应,进一步对其侧根原基形成过程中内源激素含量进行测定。结果表明,这与JA-Me配合处理迅速降低根中内源[玉米素核苷(ZRe)+异戊烯腺嘌呤(iPAs)]/IAA的比值有关。  相似文献   
以莴苣幼苗为材料,以适应浓度的生长素类物质萘乙酸(NAA)、吲哚丁酸(IBA)和吲哚乙酸(IAA)处理根部20 ̄30h,可使大量的侧根原基得到的启动和突起,10.000mg/L的NAA,IBA或IAA处理的侧根原基数分别为对照的27.9,26.5和13.6倍;  相似文献   
程薪宇  刘玫  郭梦桥 《草业学报》2015,24(3):168-176
本文采用形态观察及GMA半薄切片法深入研究了毛茛科18属,37种,及5变种的雄蕊形态结构。结果显示雄蕊表面无毛或被非腺毛及腺毛。花丝呈丝状、条状、棒状、长三角形或短柱状,其薄壁组织胞间隙不明显或发达。花药侧面观为∞形、椭圆形、近圆形或条形;幼嫩花药横切面形状变化较大,为V形、Λ形、椭圆形、方形、∞形或蝶形;花粉囊间薄壁细胞排列呈V形、Λ形或直线形。成熟花药的花粉囊间薄壁细胞消失。部分幼嫩时横切面∞形的花药,成熟时变为椭圆形,而蝶形和方形的花药则变为∞形。花药及花丝的特征在属及种内是稳定的,可作为毛茛科属及组的分类学证据。本文完善了毛茛科花形态学研究,为进一步研究毛茛科系统学提供了新的形态学基础。  相似文献   
The critical period for yield determination in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is situated in the pre-heading phases. During the latest part of the critical period one of the most important yield components (i.e. the number of grains per spike) is set in two- and six-rowed barley. In wheat, much is known about the role of the spike in assimilate acquisition for the establishment of grains per spike, but not in barley. This paper evaluates how biomass partitioning between vegetative and reproductive organs impacts floret development and primordia survival in response to radiation during different periods in the crop cycle, in barley lines. Field experiments were carried out using two- and six-rowed near isogenic barley lines differing only in spike type. Shading treatments were applied at different periods during the crop cycle (from 60 to 15 days before and after heading) reducing the intercepted radiation (ca. 70%). Dynamics of floret primordia initiation and mortality and of floret development for different spikelet positions along the spike were measured, and biomass partitioning between vegetative and reproductive structures was calculated.

Pre-heading shading reduced fertile florets per spike (P < 0.001). In the immediate pre-heading treatment, distal floret primordia could not reach a fertile floret stage due to a low rate of floral development.

The amount of assimilates partitioned to the spike at heading affected the number of fertile florets per spike in both barley types. However, when spike biomass at heading was corrected by nitrogen concentration, the fitness of the relationship did not improve in relation to the first one. In relative terms, radiation restrictions during the immediate pre-heading phase increased the amount of biomass partitioned to the growing spike.  相似文献   

水杨酸浸种对蚕豆种子萌发的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
蚕豆种子于 2 5℃用 0 .0 1~ 5 .0 0mmol·L- 1 的水杨酸浸种 2 4h后 ,置于 2 0℃下萌发 ,SA对缩短发芽时间、提高发芽指数、促进胚根胚芽生长、提高根冠比、增加生物学产量、促进呼吸作用、提高植物抗逆性及侧根原基的形成有显著作用。  相似文献   
棉花去雄授粉简易器械研制和杂交制种技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
棉花去雄钳、授粉指套、集粉袋的研制,为棉花杂交种籽商品花开辟了一条有效的新途径,与常规手工去雄杂交制经较,去雄速度提高2倍,成铃数提高117.8%,铃重提高12-20%,每铃种籽粒数增加5.1粒,用红叶指示性状鉴定异交率为97.1%-97.5%,采用该方法配套技术,大田示范杂交制种效果表明,制种田不减产,每人每天杂交成铃700-900个,生产F0代杂交种籽1.87kg,每亩母本产杂交种籽34kg.  相似文献   
文冠果雄蕊发育的解剖学及雄性不育蛋白的研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
研究文冠果雄性不育机理 ,该文观察了文冠果雄蕊发育的形态及解剖结构 ,并通过双向电泳方法对花药蛋白进行差异分析 .结果表明 :①两性花花药和雄花长、短花丝花药中均含有具萌发能力的花粉粒 ,但两性花的饱满花粉粒比雄花的饱满花粉粒少 ,两性花花粉败育可能发生在双核花粉粒时期 ;②雄花的短花丝后期能伸长 ,花药能正常开裂散粉 ,而两性花的花丝始终不伸长 ,花药不能开裂 ,这表明文冠果雄性不育的症结主要在于花药不能正常开裂 ,其次在于部分花粉败育 ;③在蕾期 ,两性花花药蛋白与雄花花药蛋白无差异 ;至开花期 ,至少有 2个多肽(B1 ,B2 )的表达存在差异 .对B1 进行了纯化和测序 ,序列为AGSDDVKVPIHPGSG .经蛋白质数据库检索 ,尚无与之同源的序列 .  相似文献   
从不结球白菜高代自交系中发现并育成不结球白菜同源异型突变细胞核雄性不育系HGMS(homeotic GMS).不育特征为心皮在雄蕊位置错位表达,雄蕊消失,雌雄两性花变成无雄蕊单性雌花,心皮化的雄蕊上着生有胚珠,是一种全新的雄性不育.该不育系的花瓣严重退化,长、宽变短,重量减轻;雌蕊由细长变为短粗、重量增加.进一步同工酶研究发现,雄蕊位心皮的酯酶酶带和过氧化物酶酶带与本身雌蕊酶带一致,充分表明该雄性不育确系心皮异位表达引起.并根据花发育的ABC模型推测,该突变很可能是花发育的B组基因缺失所致.  相似文献   
文冠果同源异型变异株的发现   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
该文对北京林业大学苗圃内发现的一文冠果的同源异型自然变异株进行了形态及解剖学观察.结果发现:这一花器官变异植株的花明显小于正常株的花,且不能完全开放,始终呈半开状.花重瓣多轮,仅具花萼和花瓣,不具雄蕊和雌蕊.因为雄蕊和雌蕊全部特化为花瓣状,部分特化的内轮花瓣上留有花药的残迹,花药内的花粉发育是不正常的.与此相关的营养体特征是变异株的叶片大,厚且颜色呈深黑绿色.  相似文献   
Alizarin red S from 200 to 5000 mg L?1 was used to mark the otoliths of whitefish embryos Coregonus lavaretus (L.) from 5 days after fertilization until shortly before hatching, to develop a method for evaluating the effect of stocking whitefish. Mark quality depended on developmental stage at the time of immersion. The best results were obtained when the otolith primordia had formed and had started aggregating to form the innermost part of the nucleus. This was verified by in vitro staining of otoliths where the primordia were more intensely stained than the remaining part of the nucleus. The volume ratio eggs to ARS solution, which was 1:10 in all but two treatments, must be observed when comparing fluorochrome concentrations, as mark quality decreased at higher ratios of 1:5 and 1:2. An average mortality rate of 35% in the most successful treatments was considered tolerable for a mass‐marking programme being used under commercial hatchery conditions. This method for marking otoliths of whitefish embryos with ARS during egg incubation is recommended for all cases where marking of larvae is not possible.  相似文献   
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